Password Hash Generator
This tool is for generating password hashes to be used for your Third Culture user account.
% if(~ $#post_arg_password 0 || ~ $#post_arg_verify_password 0) {
Error: Both password fields are required!
% }
% if not if(! ~ $"post_arg_password $"post_arg_verify_password) {
Error: Passwords do not match!
% }
% if not {
% fn sanitize_input { printf '%s' $1 | sed 's/[[:cntrl:]]//g' }
% clean_password=`{sanitize_input $"post_arg_password}
% mkpasswd_hash=`{printf '%s' $"clean_password | mkpasswd}
% htpasswd_hash=`{printf '%s' $"clean_password | htpasswd -n -b dummy - | sed 's/^dummy://'}
Generated Hashes:
mkpasswd hash: %(`{echo $mkpasswd_hash | sed 's/&/\&/g; s/\</g; s/>/\>/g; s/''/\"/g'}%)
htpasswd hash: %(`{echo $htpasswd_hash | sed 's/&/\&/g; s/\</g; s/>/\>/g; s/''/\"/g'}%)
Copy the output in the box above and send them to q. DM or over email (
% }
% }