fn conf_enable_ico { ico_uri=$conf_wd ico_dirs=$* if(~ $#ico_dirs 0) ico_dirs=( . ) conf_enable_app ico if(~ $"conf_ico_editors '') conf_ico_editors=ico-editors if(~ $"conf_max_posts_per_page '') conf_max_posts_per_page=32 if(~ $"conf_ico_categories '') conf_ico_categories=(general) if(~ $"conf_ico_max_image_size '') conf_ico_max_image_size=5242880 } fn ico_init { if(~ $#ico_dirs 0 && ~ $req_path */[iI]co/*) { ico_uri=`{echo $req_path | sed 's,(/[iI]co/).*,\1,'} ico_dirs=( . ) } if(! ~ $#ico_dirs 0) { ico_url=$base_url^$ico_uri ico_root=$sitedir^$ico_uri if(check_user $conf_ico_editors) { editor_mode=on if(~ $"post_arg_date '') post_date=`{/bin/date -I|sed 's,-,/,g'} if not post_date=$post_arg_date ll_add handlers_foot_body template `{get_lib_file ico/foot.tpl apps/ico/foot.tpl} } if(~ $req_path $ico_uri) { handler_body_main=ico_body u=$ico_uri'index' extraHeaders=$"extraHeaders ^ \ ' ' } if not if(~ $req_path $ico_uri^category/*) { category=`{echo $req_path | sed 's!.*/!!; s/_/ /g'} handler_body_main=ico_category_body } if not if(~ $req_path $ico_uri^index.atom) ico_setup_feed_handlers atom.tpl 'application/atom+xml' if not if(~ $req_path $ico_uri^index.rss) ico_setup_feed_handlers rss20.tpl 'application/rss+xml' if not if(~ $req_path $ico_uri^new_post && ! ~ $#editor_mode 0) { handler_body_main=( tpl_handler `{get_lib_file ico/new_post.tpl apps/ico/new_post.tpl} ) if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST) { if(mkicopost $"post_arg_body $"post_date $"post_arg_title $"post_arg_categories $"post_arg_loc $"post_arg_loc_link $"post_arg_link $"post_arg_short_desc $"post_arg_poster $"post_arg_edate) post_redirect $ico_uri if not notify_errors=$status } } } } fn ico_category_body { template apps/ico/event_list_cat.tpl } fn ico_body { template apps/ico/event_list_all.tpl } fn get_post_list { ls -F $*^/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/ >[2]/dev/null | sed -n '/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'/d; /\/$/p' | sort -r | sed -e $conf_max_posts_per_page^'q' } fn mkicopost { icotext=$1 icodate=$2 icotitle=$3 icocategories=$4 icolocation=$5 icolocationlink=$6 icoeventlink=$7 icoshortdesc=$8 icoposterpath=$9 icoexpireddate=$10 _status=() postdate=`{/bin/date -I|sed 's,-,/,g'} if(~ $"icotext '') _status=($_status 'You need to provide a post body.') if(! ~ $"postdate [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]) _status=($_status 'Invalid date: '''^$"postdate^'''') if(~ $#_status 0) { umask 022 ddir=$ico_root^$postdate^'/' n=`{ls $ddir >[2]/dev/null | wc -l} mkdir -p $ddir^$n post_link='/'$postdate^'/'$n category_links='' for(cat in `{echo $icocategories}) { if(! ~ $cat '') { cat_link=`{echo -n $cat | sed 's/ /_/g'} category_links=$category_links'
' } } icopostlink='/'^$postdate^'/'^$n^'/' template apps/ico/post.tpl > $ddir^$n^'/index.html' # Create the main categories directory categories_dir=$ico_root^'categories' mkdir -p $categories_dir # Update category files for(cat in `{echo $icocategories}) { if(! ~ $cat '') { cat_file=$categories_dir^'/'^`{echo -n $cat | sed 's/ /_/g'}^'.txt' echo $post_link >> $cat_file } } } status=$_status } fn get_post_by_category { cat_dir=$ico_root^'categories' cat_file=$cat_dir^'/'^`{echo -n $1 | sed 's/ /_/g'}^'.txt' if(test -f $cat_file) { cat $cat_file | sort -r | sed $conf_max_posts_per_page^'q' } } fn list_categories { ls $ico_root^'categories/'*.txt | sed 's!.*/!!; s!\.txt$!!; s!_! !g' }