2024-07-18 14:09:32 -04:00

455 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

# Parse XML RSS feeds from Yahoo Pipes into BARF blog posts
# for the specified site. If a post with a matching _link_ already
# exists, no new post will be created for that item. Accordingly,
# the gy script may run slowly for sites with a large number of
# existing posts. Tags will be created according to the rules
# defined in the get_tags() function.
# Requires 20h's xmlpull and rssread.
rfork en
case read
case *
echo 'Usage: gy [ ... ]' >[1=2]
exit usage
if(test -f /boot/factotum)
if not
cmd='curl -s'
fn cram{
ssam '
fn scape{
ssam '
fn get_posts{
$"cmd $feed | rssread | cram | scape >$file
echo >>$file
fn get_tags{
case *1oct1993*
tags=($tags 1oct1993)
case *9front*
tags=($tags software plan9 9front)
case *organicmentalcore*
tags=($tags aleks)
case *amyearles* ** *pushedunder* *seaglass* *woolandwater*
tags=($tags amy_earles)
case *animenewsnetwork*
tags=($tags telescreen anime)
case *spikejapan*
tags=($tags japan comics manga telescreen anime)
case **
tags=($tags ar)
case *ArchDaily* *archdaily*
tags=($tags archdaily architecture)
case *bldgblog*
tags=($tags bldgblog architecture)
case *kazuyosejima*
tags=($tags japan architecture)
case *Minimalissimo*
tags=($tags minimalissimo design architecture)
case *ArtFagCity* *ArtFCity* *artfagcity*
tags=($tags artfagcity art)
case *rhizome-fp*
tags=($tags rhizome-fp art)
case *rhizome*
tags=($tags rhizome art)
case *starwarsmodern*
tags=($tags starwarsmodern art)
case *tokyoartbeat*
tags=($tags tokyoartbeat japan art)
case *trendbeheer*
tags=($tags trendbeheer art)
case *ValentinaTanni*
tags=($tags valentinatanni art)
case *vvork*
tags=($tags vwork art)
case *auriea* *tale-of-tales* *taleoftales*
tags=($tags auriea)
case *basscomm* *closeoutwarrior* *crummysocks* *gamerrelocationproject* *protipoftheday* *PushButtonB* *pushbuttonb*
tags=($tags video_games basscomm)
case *benjaminmarra*
tags=($tags comics benjamin_marra)
case *boingboing*
tags=($tags boingboing)
case *bushinbooks* *henka*
tags=($tags budo)
case *alexaanddave* *CEREBUS* *Cerebus* *cerebus* *davesim* *gerhard*
tags=($tags comics cerebus gerhard)
case *coilhouse*
tags=($tags coilhouse)
case *arche-arc*
tags=($tags arche comics)
case **
tags=($tags bitolithic comics)
case *blaiselarmee*
tags=($tags blaise_larmee comics)
case *bleedingcool*
tags=($tags bleedingcool comics)
case *bobgreenberger*
tags=($tags bob_greengerger comics)
case *coldheatcomics*
tags=($tags coldheat comics)
case *comicbookresources*
tags=($tags cbr comics)
case *comicsbeat*
tags=($tags comicsbeat comics)
case *ComicsComics* *comicscomics*
tags=($tags comicscomics comics)
case *coveredblog*
tags=($tags coveredblog comics)
case *dcfifty-too*
tags=($tags dcfifty-too comics)
case *Destructoid* *destructoid*
tags=($tags destructoid video_games)
case **
tags=($tags economist)
case **
tags=($tags bruce_sterling)
case *thecreatorsproject*
tags=($tags thecreatorsproject)
case *ferrandelgado*
tags=($tags ferran_delgado comics)
case *eddiecampbell*
tags=($tags eddie_campbell comics)
case *factualopinion*
tags=($tags factualopinion comics)
case *floating_world* *floatingworld*
tags=($tags floating_world comics)
case *frankmiller*
tags=($tags frank_miller comics)
case *humancolor*
tags=($tags humancolor comics)
case *jerkcity*
tags=($tags jerkcity comics)
case **
tags=($tags tony_millionaire maakies comics)
case *newconstructionblog*
tags=($tags newconstruction manga comics)
case *ohdannyboy*
tags=($tags ohdannyboy comics)
case *pulphope*
tags=($tags pulphope comics)
case *pwbeat*
tags=($tags pwbeat comics)
case *reliablecomics*
tags=($tags reliablecomics comics)
case *reneefrench*
tags=($tags renee_french comics)
case *rickveitch*
tags=($tags rick_veitch comics)
case *royalboiler*
tags=($tags royalboiler comics)
case *smbc-comics*
tags=($tags smbc comics)
case *studygroup*
tags=($tags studygroup comics)
case *xkcd*
tags=($tags xkcd comics)
case *bowiesongs* *DavidBowie* *davidbowie*
tags=($tags music david_bowie)
case *designboom*
tags=($tags designboom design)
case *dezeen*
tags=($tags dezeen design)
case *infosthetics*
tags=($tags infosthetics design)
case *inhabitat*
tags=($tags inhabitat architecture design)
case *luigicolani*
tags=($tags luigicolani design)
case *mocoloco*
tags=($tags mocoloco design)
case *sydmead*
tags=($tags sydmead design)
case *dzima*
tags=($tags dzima)
case *bbcicecream*
tags=($tags bbcicecream fashion)
case *DamStyle *damstyle*
tags=($tags damstyle fashion)
case *facehunter*
tags=($tags facehunter fashion)
case *StilInBerlin* *Stilinberlin*
tags=($tags germany fashion)
case *jstreets*
tags=($tags jstreets japan fashion)
case *stylefromtokyo*
tags=($tags stylefromtokyo japan fashion)
case *tokyofashion*
tags=($tags tokyofashion japan fashion)
case *flames.gif* *flamesgif*
tags=($tags flames.gif)
case *contemporary-home-computing*
tags=($tags software flames.gif)
case **
tags=($tags acceler8or future)
case **
tags=($tags afrocyberpunk future)
case **
tags=($tags hyperallergic future)
case *kurzweil*
tags=($tags kurzweil future)
case *longnow*
tags=($tags longnow future)
case *OpenTheFuture*
tags=($tags openthefuture future)
case **
tags=($tags theverge future)
case *golang* **
tags=($tags golang)
case *googlepluses*
tags=($tags google)
case **
tags=($tags hackernews hack)
case *seanbonner*
tags=($tags sean_bonner hack)
case *banriman*
tags=($tags banriman japan)
case *japansubculture*
tags=($tags japansubculture japan)
case *jeansnow*
tags=($tags jeansnow japan)
case *Kotaku* *kotaku*
tags=($tags kotaku video_games)
case *eforemario*
tags=($tags before_mario video_games)
case *instagram* **
tags=($tags instagram)
case *nakakobooks*
tags=($tags books nakakobooks japan)
case *ozawamaria*
tags=($tags maria_ozawa japan)
case *Shibuya246*
tags=($tags shibuya246 japan)
case **
tags=($tags shisaku japan)
case *jimshooter*
tags=($tags comics jim_shooter)
case *LettersOfNote* *lettersofnote*
tags=($tags letters)
case *nasa*letters.rss*
tags=($tags nasa letters)
case **
tags=($tags kore livejournal)
case **
tags=($tags rea_funny_lady livejournal)
case **
tags=($tags vintage_ads livejournal)
case *hellodamage*
tags=($tags comics hellodamage manga)
case *manganews*
tags=($tags comics manganews manga)
case *naokiurasawa*
tags=($tags comics naokiurasawa manga)
case *samehat*
tags=($tags comics samehat manga)
case *mangatraders*
tags=($tags p2p comics manga)
case *hortonheardawho*
tags=($tags hortonheardawho flickr nasa mars)
case **
tags=($tags marstoday mars)
case *kielbryant*
tags=($tags kiel_bryant flickr)
case *flickr*paoru*
tags=($tags paoru flickr)
case *me-vs-gutenberg* *mevsgutenberg*
tags=($tags martin_sand)
case *marxy*
tags=($tags marxy)
case *etamodern*
tags=($tags metamodern)
case *aviationintel*
tags=($tags aviationintel mil)
case *aviationweek*
tags=($tags aviationweek mil)
case *codeonemagazine*
tags=($tags codeonemagazine mil)
case *geimint*
tags=($tags geimint mil)
case *momus* *mrstsk*
tags=($tags books music momus)
case *bjork*
tags=($tags bjork music)
case *c-h-r-i-s-c-a-r-t-e-r*
tags=($tags chris_carter music)
case *toog*
tags=($tags toog music)
case **
tags=($tags space nasa)
case *mongoliad*
tags=($tags neal_stephenson)
case *gaiman*
tags=($tags comics neil_gaiman)
case *111567547782666546187*
tags=($tags daniel_rehn gplus)
case *114408853762245370512*
tags=($tags francesco_cardi gplus)
case *106673611724400311137*
tags=($tags mark_jondahl gplus)
case *113974084460235989118*
tags=($tags jose_nazario gplus)
case *102089697005520721324*
tags=($tags zaki_hasan gplus)
case ** **
tags=($tags music nin)
case **
tags=($tags music tumblr nin)
case *nix-os* *syssoftware*
tags=($tags plan9 nix)
case *bsdly* *OPENBSD* *OpenBSD* *openbsd* *scientist-home* *undeadly*
tags=($tags software openbsd)
case *godownmatthew* *mysticmilk* *petetoms*
tags=($tags pete_toms)
case *Pitchfork* *pitchfork*
tags=($tags music pitchfork)
case *9gridchan* *cat-v* *maht0x0r* *Plan9* *plan9*
tags=($tags software plan9)
case *FlauntTalks* ** *purpleinterviews* *wendyandlisa*
tags=($tags music prince)
case *101960720994009339267*
tags=($tags gplus rob_pike)
case *commandcenter* *rob_pike*
tags=($tags blogger rob_pike)
case *prometheus*
tags=($tags telescreen prometheus)
case **
tags=($tags reddit)
case **
tags=($tags golang plan9 rsc)
case *bunniestudios*
tags=($tags bunniestudios security)
case *jwz*
tags=($tags jwz security)
case *Krebs* *krebs*
tags=($tags krebs security)
case *scarybeastsecurity*
tags=($tags scarybeast security)
case *schneier*
tags=($tags bruce_schneier security)
case *chinchillakwak* *skwak*
tags=($tags skwak)
case *slashdot*
tags=($tags slashdot)
case **
tags=($tags space spaceref)
case *StanleyLieber* *stanleylieber*
tags=($tags stanleylieber)
case *fastcompany*
tags=($tags fastcompany tech)
case **
tags=($tags gizchina tech)
case *danharmon*
tags=($tags danharmon telescreen)
case *mindlessones*
tags=($tags mindlessones telescreen)
case **
tags=($tags comics tcj)
case *TEDBlog* *TEDblog* **
tags=($tags ted)
case *ticom*
tags=($tags ticom security)
case *orrentfreak*
tags=($tags p2p torrentfreak)
case *ultra*culture*
tags=($tags ultraculture)
case *kleinletters*
tags=($tags comics todd_klein)
case **
tags=($tags collectiondx toys)
case **
tags=($tags kennercollector toys)
case *plaidstallions*
tags=($tags plaidstallions toys)
case *shojikawamori*
tags=($tags shojikawamori japan toys)
case *tumblr*
tags=($tags tumblr)
case *ruinedcartridge*
tags=($tags ruinedcartridge basscomm video_games)
echo -n $tags
fn parse_posts{
' {
posts=`{cat $file}
for(i in `{seq 1 $#posts | sort -nr}){
if(! ~ $post ''){
a_title=`{echo $post | sed 's/^.*HJDIVIDERtitle: //g; s/HJDIVIDER.*$//g'}
a_link=`{echo $post | sed 's/^.*HJDIVIDERlink: //g; s/HJDIVIDER.*$//g'}
a_body=`{echo $post | sed 's/^.*HJDIVIDER//g; s/^.*HJDIVIDER//g; s/^.*HJDIVIDER//g'}
a_id=`{echo `{ls -p $werc/sites/$site/src | sort -n | tail -1}^+1 | bc}
if(~ $#a_id 0)
while(test -d $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id)
a_id=`{echo $a_id^+1 | bc}
if(! ~ $"a_link '' && ! grep -s `{echo $"a_link | md5sum} $werc/sites/$site/links){
mkdir -p $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/tags # big fat race
echo $"a_title >$werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/title
echo $"a_date >$werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/date
echo $a_link(1) >$werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/link
echo $a_link(1) | md5sum >>$werc/sites/$site/links
echo $"a_body '</a></li></ul>' >$werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/body
ifs=' ' {
for(j in `{get_tags}){
echo $a_id/tags/$j >>$werc/sites/$site/tags
if(test -f /boot/factotum && ~ $site * && test -d $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id)
chmod +t $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/* $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id $werc/sites/$site/src/$a_id/tags/*
if(test -f /boot/factotum && test -f /rc/bin/hget)